I struggle with lunch. I never know what to eat, I’m always starving and my kids food, always tempts me. I have found myself not wanting to take time to eat a mid-morning snack so by 11am I’m so hungry I could eat my arm.
I’ve done two things to help with this. One, I always have a mid-morning snacks, usually around 10-10:30am. When I eat a snack, I’ve been filling my 32 ounce water bottle and drinking the whole thing. Here’s a list of my snacks that I like.
- carrots with hummus
- celery with peanut butter
- 10-12 almonds
- 10-12 pecans
- air popped popcorn (occasionally mostly because corn upsets my tummy)
This helps me to stay full until lunch. I shared a recipe the other day on Instagram, but I’ll write it out here since it was in my stories.
I LOVE Greek salads! If there is a Greek salad on the menu, I will usually order it but I’ve struggled making them at home but that changes NOW! I grilled chicken on Sunday night and put it in the fridge for quick lunch/dinner recipes. I realize that most recipes have onion in it, but I do not like raw onion. I like caramelized onion or cooked onion in recipes but you won’t see raw onion in any of my recipes. You could certainly add it if it’s up your alley. Here is my take on the Greek salad.
Greek salad
- 4oz grilled chicken, cooled
- 4 oz chopped cucumber
- 4 oz mini heirloom tomatoes
- 1 tablespoon Feta cheese
- 1 tablespoon of my FAVORITE Greek dressing, Mother Raw Greek Organic dressing. I buy it Fresh Thyme Market

From there, I simply mix these ingredients together. Sometimes I slice pita bread up, throw it in the air fryer and enjoy some fresh, crisp, pita chips on the side.