I do not think any of these will be replacing french fries anytime soon, but it certainly opens up ones sense of adventure in food tasting.
Truth is that our whole culture has steadily explored novel tastes and food novelties. This is a long way from our past and the industrial imagination of wonder bread.
Today we almost all have experience alternate cuisines of some sort and perhaps most.
Unexpected Flavor Combos Too Delicious Not to Try
From the gooey delight of cheesy hot chocolate to a good old-fashioned PB and mayo sandwich.Pocket when you’ve got time to spare.
Image by bgwalker/Getty Images
Casey ElsassFood52
I believe that human beings can be neatly divided into two groups: Those who avoid maple syrup on their eggs and those who seek it.
Brittany MullinsEating Bird Food
A fun take on traditional brownies, these flourless peanut butter hummus brownies are gooey, chocolatey and absolutely delicious.
Christina CauterucciSlate
Why a peanut butter and pickle sandwich is the totally not-gross snack you need in your mouth right now.
Cari GarciaFat Girl Hedonist
For this oddly delicious pairing, traditionally you’d use a Queso Colombiano for this. However, if you live in an area where this cheese isn’t available, you can opt for a firm white cheese like a halloumi, queso de freir, oaxaca cheese or a firm mozzarella.
Allison OchoaTaste of Home
Cinnamon-infused, pear, chocolate, even plain—whatever the flavor, balsamic vinegar on ice cream is amazing.
Cattie CoyleMy Kitchen Sink
You might recoil in horror when you first see this recipe, but if you like curry and the mix of sweet and salt, give it a shot.
Saba ImtiazEater
For breaking the fast during Ramadan, nothing satisfies quite like doodh soda.
Now don’t go “EEEWWW!!” before you try this.
Michael WatersAtlas Obscura
Apple pie is not an American invention. In the 14th century, farmers in England began wrapping apples into inedible containers known as “coffins,” a pie prototype. Only in 1697 did the concept reach the United States—through European immigrants.
RECIPE: Apple and Cheese Pie via Food Network.
Gwen IhnatThe Takeout
Sometimes even strange combos are legendary for a reason.
Kozmic BluesFood.com
Reminiscent of a “sweet, yet spicy mole sauce.”
Emma GarzaBustle
While there are slightly different variations of watermelon salad, the base ingredients are always the same: Watermelon, cucumber, red onion, feta cheese, lime, and mint.
BONUS READ: How Salting a Watermelon Can Drastically Enhance Its Flavor via HuffPost.
Holly NilssonSpend With Pennies
The cola in the sauce not only adds great flavor, it also helps tenderize the chicken, making this dish extra tasty. Once thickened, this sauce is awesome served over rice with a side of steamed veggies.
Eric KimSaveur
In which one writer seeks to understand the Depression-era (maybe?) staple.
BONUS READ: An Ode to Pickle Juice via Paste Magazine.
Sheela PrakashEpicurious
If you want to take summer fruit to the next level, you need to grab a grinder.
Maricruz Avalosmaricruzavalos.com
Mexican fruit cups are versatile, easy to make, and refreshing. It is an amazing way to enjoy fresh fruits with more flavor and a delicious tangy zing.
Patterson WatkinsOlive Oil Times
This sweet treat has some serious flavor. Rosemary, coarse sea salt and a little peppery EVOO action.