Wednesday 23rd November 2022
Time is the most expensive thing you can give.
Time is the most expensive thing you can give.
Really enjoyed the huddles yesterday and had a good day all round. I did have to laugh though, Elle and I were chatting about our plans for the couple of hours between huddles on the afternoon and she told me she was watching 'Jane the Virgin', I said ooo I might go find it and watch an episode too. A couple of minutes later, I had a photo message from himself, he'd put the shelving in the motorhome which meant he was home already from work, erm that was my afternoon plans changed!
When Aryn got back from school, I asked if he wanted to cook with me again when I got back from work and the answer was a resounding yes, so he had some oatcakes and hummus to tied him over, plus a couple of crumpets (growing boy!).
We cooked another of the Hello Fresh boxes this time we made red lentil and spinach dal with roasted aubergine and basmati rice! Well I say we, he did the majority of it again, love watching him learn to use new things like a garlic crusher, if you've never cracked a garlic into cloves before you don't know do you, things have to be learnt.

We gave this meal 9/10, to be honest, it was a 10 but I need somewhere to go if something is better, it was delicious, really delicious and because of the roasted aubergine, I wasn't expecting it to be, never been a huge fan. The basmati rice was cooked to perfection, I only ever really use microwave rice, so this was a real treat. Also it said serves 4, but we have 2 portions of dal left so that was 5 portions. We added the Nan bread, I didn't have one of those. A veggie meal for dinner, impressive for us, we're true meat eaters.
Gutted yesterday though as we had an email to say Aryn's passport had been denied because it has to be witnessed by someone who lives in his jurisdiction (i.e. Wolverhampton), even though he lived in Ireland for 13 years and the witness was the solicitor who knows him, so now we're having to start from scratch and hope that we can get his mom to sign it again and pray it comes back before Christmas - I won't hold my breath. THe issue here is last night Aryn went on the ferry to Ireland they said we needed photo id and his birth certificate wasn't enough - crazy!
I'm still coughing and snotty, so no swimming again today, getting bored with it now, I know it's disturbing both of our sleep! I don't feel ill any more thankfully.
Well here's to a good day, no Hello Fresh meal today, gonna save it till tomo or Friday, today we're having lamb chops, bought them reduced the other week and froze them, nom nom, can't wait. I'm thinking mash and veg and gravy, yeah baby, now that's my kind of meal, plus I have all afternoon to make it because we finish by 11 today. I think he'll be back early again because of the weather; you can't this weeks job in this weather!
Right, here's to a great day, I've just had eggs on toast for breakfast, they were delicious.
Mwah, luv ya
Love me