Small budgets and bad planning can result in a home design going wrong. The skill of interior design is not one you can learn overnight or on Pinterest, yet most people decorate their own homes, often resulting in avoidable mistakes. It is frustrating trying to figure out how to improve the situation, so perhaps declutter and start afresh.
Your home is your sanctuary and needs to be comfortable – an uncluttered environment means an uncluttered mind. So get creative and make the most out of your space.
A bad design can make a space feel cramped and unliveable, yet there are easy ways to achieve a sense of space. Here are some tips to help you get started with a more spacious lifestyle:
The first task on hand is to conduct a comprehensive clean up. This will open up your home and allow you to see what and how much space is available. Start and finish one room at a time, getting rid of unnecessary and unused items. Donate or sell items you no longer have use for. Consider self storage for items that you may need in the future, or which hold too much sentimental value to bin.
Go vertical
Many people don’t think to use their overhead space. Look up and use the space above your head by investing in floating shelving. This is one of the best ways to organise your space, which allows you to open up your floor space and create more space within your home. Shelves are a great way to display valuable items – adding character, purpose and practicality to a space.
Look for alternative uses for your floor space
Once you’ve undertaken the vertical approach, you may find that you have opened up your floor space. Take the time to evaluate this new space, as with careful thought, you could find plenty available with a lot of potential. These areas are often out of the way and easily disguised, and are a great place to create in-house storage.
Dual-purpose furniture
Be creative within your home and consider using dual-purpose furniture, where these items can act as hidden storage. You could also use decorative baskets to store some of your items. If you have dual-purpose furniture, such as nesting tables, make use of that extra space.
Invest in of self storage
Self storage is a great investment for households wanting to maximise space in the home. With the help of self storage, you’ll be able to redesign your layout and create the design you originally wanted. Use self storage as an extension of your home. Self storage facilities offer flexibility, convenience and security. Most of these facilities are accessible 24/7. Make sure you find a reputable self storage facility that offers flexible leases and affordable rates.
These are just a few practical ways to help you overcome a bad design and make the most of your space.