News — Applesauce
Double Apple Beignets #FoodieExtravaganza
Apples Applesauce AppleSyrup AppleWeek Beignet FoodieExtravaganza TheCakeSliceBakers

Foodie Extravaganza is where we celebrate obscure food holidays or cook and bake together with the same ingredient or theme each month. Posting day for #FoodieExtravaganza is always the first Wednesday of each month. If you are a blogger and would like to join our group and blog along with us, come join our Facebook page Foodie Extravaganza. We would love to have you! If you're a spectator looking for delicious tid-bits check out our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest Board! This month - October - Kelley of Simply Inspired Meals invited the Foodie Extravaganza bloggers to join her in focusing on apples for National Apple...